MOARC’s 2023 Winter Social & Membership Meeting will be held on the evening of Thursday, December 14th at Brio Italian Grille on the Country Club Plaza. Social hour will commence at 4:30, dinner will be served at 5:30 and the annual meeting and presentations will follow at 6:00.
Our program includes presentations on the newly formed Kansas Water Institute, updates from the Kansas Water Authority, and a special tribute celebrating the life and legacy of Dan Fuhrman- long-time MOARC leader and advocate.
This annual gathering of members, partners and other interested folks is a great networking event and opportunity to discuss upcoming projects and issues important to MOARC and our region, as we also celebrate recent successes and 71 years of advocating for water resources policy & projects for the KC Region.
MOARC Association
PO Box 22647
Kansas City, MO 64113