Making a Difference Together
Valuable projects funded to completion or recently completed
SWOPE PARK INDUSTRIAL AREA Kansas City, MO Total project funding $35M. Scheduled to be completed in 2023. Construction of the ring levee units and infrastructure continues. Protects $70M in infrastructure. MANHATTAN LEVEES Manhattan, KS Total project funding $30M. Construction of the levee raise underway. USACE coordinating design with UPRR on closure structure and likely requiring a Post Authorization Change Request. Protects $2B in infrastructure. ST. JOSEPH LEVEES (MRLS L-455 AND R-471-460) KS, MO Total project funding $70M. Scheduled to be completed this year. Construction on-going with left bank levee raise complete and right bank improvement contracts underway. Protects $2.3B in infrastructure. | TURKEY CREEK BASIN KS, MO Total project funding $160M. Recently completed in 2022. Protects $270M in infrastructure. BLUE RIVER BASIN (DODSON INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT) Kansas City, MO Total project funding $49M. Recently completed in 2021. The City and the Corps of Engineers are working to certify and accredit the levee. Protects $219M in infrastructure. KANSAS CITYS LEVEES Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO Total project funding $529M. Scheduled to be completed in 2026. Missouri River levee improvements (~$20M) are complete. Remaining KC Levees project includes levee and floodwall improvements along the Kansas River that include the Argentine, Armourdale, and Central Industrial District levee units. Three pump station improvement/replacement contracts have been awarded and are under construction. The levee raise contract (included all three levee units) was awarded in Summer 2021 and is underway. Protects $25B in infrastructure. |